Become A Better You by Joel Osteen

Pastor Joel Osteen has built upon the success of his previous book, Your Best Life Now, with this follow on title. As did his previous book, this book provides a blueprint for optimizing your full potential as a human being. However, this book goes much further into the subject of self improvement. With anecdotes previously told within his sermons, Osteen goes further to endear himself to the reader, showing himself to be on the same journey as his followers.

As in his previous work, the author outlines the seven steps needed for a person to fulfil their true potential. Through self analysis the reader is guided through the path towards optimization of their true self. However this book goes further in exploring some of the issues we face in modern times such as parenting, divorce or dreams and how we can overcome these by developing a belief in our own abilities. By embracing the negative aspects and learning all we can we are becoming stronger and wiser. Osteen offers some action points for each of the seven steps, going further to help people incorporate these systems into their own lives.

Joel Osteen sermons provide many life examples of how we can use what happens to us in a positive way to make ourselves stronger, wiser and fulfilled. The sermons are organised into similar themes within the book making it clearer for the reader to understand the message conveyed. The author carefully and skilfully blends together information from the scriptures with lessons he has learned from his own life experiences. He provides the reader with positive examples of how everything that we experience within our lives, even if deemed unpleasant, can be used in a positive way.

The reader is offered a little more insight into the world of Joel Osteen in this book. The author shares with us some of the challenges he has faced and how he used them in a positive way in his framework of self improvement. Many of the main issues affecting society are mentioned in the book. The pastor does an excellent job of showing us how these problems and how we deal with them really can help us achieve our true full potential.


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