Joel Osteen Sermons

Joel Osteen is the senior pastor at Lakewood Church, Houston, Texas, where he preaches alongside family members including his wife Victoria who works as his co pastor. His ministries are followed worldwide via television and podcasts with many Christians analysing the content and message within each of his sermons. Services from Lakewood Church are broadcast on many television networks both within and outside the USA giving his sermons a global audience.

The televising of sermons offers many Christians participation in active worship within their homes. This makes Joel Osteen sermons accessible to people who may otherwise have not attended church. His words have a profound effect on many of this audience with them looking upon his sermons as offering advice on a wide range of topics pertinent to living within modern society.

Joel Osteen sermons have developed popularity within the Christian community due to the way they relate living as God would wish us to live in the context of the 21st century. Modern day living brings a multitude of challenges and many Christians look to the sermons as the answers to many problems and choices they may encounter.

Some Joel Osteen sermons have become famous for their insight into how to overcome some of the problems Christians may encounter within their everyday lives. Offering solutions on how to interpret the word of God in the complexities of modern living, the sermons are insightful and appeal to people looking for answers to their problems. However, at the heart of many of his sermons is the need to look deep within ourselves and to trust in God. Many Christians have a favourite Joel Osteen sermon and listen again to this particular message for reassurance or enlightenment.

Many followers of Joel Osteen sermons find them neither dictating nor out of reach for the lay person. The words are carefully chosen and crafted to be understood and applied to life. The message within each sermon is positive and uplifting, encouraging and illuminating – enriching the lives of all who take it on board. Joel Osteen sermons are for every person, not just those who are highly educated and are written and delivered in a way that makes them accessible to all. The underlying theme of each of his sermons is to reassure his followers that they can trust in God and He will deliver the things that they need in time.